...return to index



8.5km 385m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Clive Hallett BOK M45 63:23
2nd Will Kromhout QO M40 66:49
3rd Christopher Perry IND M35 75:24
4th Robert Ashton IND M21 78:04
5th Chris Turner WIM M45 83:23
6th Pete Jones SN M55 84:06
7th Richard Sansbury QO M40 86:08
8th Andrew McNally WIM M35 86:33
9th Stephen Mallison WIM M21 88:06
10th Steven Horsler WIM M45 92:58
11th Daniel Alsop IND M21 95:43
12th John Whittingham WIM M40 105:29
m9-24 Tim Britton BOK M21 66:00

Short Brown


6.8km 340m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Charles Bromley Gardner BAOC M50 63:09
2nd Stephen McKinley SN M45 76:10
3rd Christopher Harrison NGOC M50 77:22
4th Phil Newall KERNO M50 82:48
5th Jes Dickin SOC M50 85:49
6th Geoff Keenan DEVON M45 88:11
7th Paul Fox SN M50 92:15
8th Robert Hick WSX M50 97:59
9th Jo Barr IND W21 98:01
m13 Stuart Kraus IND M50 142:51



6km 240m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Paul Lane BAOC M55 54:14
2nd Mark Burley BOK M21 55:39
3rd Jason Falconer WSX M40 60:04
4th Gavin Clegg WSX M55 60:06
n/c Roger Crickmore WSX M45 60:13
5th Andrew Graham BKO M55 60:15
6th Graham Whiffwn WSX M40 60:31
7th Trevor Griffiths BOK M60 61:02
8th Jamie Hicks SOC M16 61:03
9th Michael Hallett BOK M16 62:11
10th Robert Sweatman SOC M50 62:20
11th Robin Smith SOC M60 62:38
12th Kevin Bracher SOC M55 63:24
13th Steve Robertson QO M55 63:58
14th Tessa Stone DEVON W45 64:49
15th Andrew French WIM M45 64:56
16th Christophe Pige SOC M40 66:20
17th Simon Bevan SOC M45 67:41
18th Colin Hicks SOC M60 67:54
19th Barry Olds KERNO M55 67:57
20th John Simmons BOK M60 69:00
21st Wendy Bullen WIM W40 70:39
22nd Chris Johnson BOK M55 73:11
23rd Neal Burton WIM M21 74:44
24th Phil Warry BOK M55 75:08
25th David Battison SARUM M65 76:28
26th David Mullins SARUM M60 76:37
27th Tamsin Horsler WIM W45 76:54
28th Karen French WIM W45 77:26
29th Tony Hext QO M60 79:27
30th Christopher Virgo DEVON M60 81:30
31st Megan Ashton IND W21 85:17
32nd Gavin Robinson IND M45 91:18
33rd Barbara Keenan DEVON W45 92:28
34th Philip Fawkner-Corbett BOK M60 93:13
35th Matthew Knipe QO M45 98:51
36th Arthur Vince KERNO M70 102:26
37th Christopher Penny WIM M45 109:27
m10 Michael Reynolds NWO M60 66:19
m10 Adam Bettiss SARUM M21 70:34
m2 m8 m10 John Shucksmith WIM M60 98:54

Short Blue


5.2km 170m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Richard Cronin BOK M21 51:59
2nd Jackie Hallett BOK W55 52:21
3rd Andrew Houlder WSX M21 52:41
4th Zac Hudd BOK M12 52:58
5th Ellie Stone DEVON W16 53:26
6th Christopher Branford WIM M65 55:34
7th Ella Bowles DEVON W50 55:58
8th Laura Britton BOK W21 57:11
9th Jack Hutchison SOC M65 57:47
10th Bill Davidson SOC M65 58:08
11th Frida Farshallen WSX W20 58:59
12th Nikki Miller IND W45 60:31
13th Adele Newall KERNO W50 62:46
14th Nicola Brooke WSX W45 65:36
15th Roger Moore WIM M55 66:12
16th Roger Pleasant SOC M65 66:18
17th Caroline Potter BOK W50 68:39
18th John Tilsley WIM M65 68:57
19th Jenn Hudd BOK W45 69:48
20th Carolyn Dent SARUM W50 74:18
21st Katherine Pike WIM W45 77:38
22nd Victoria Harvey NGOC W45 79:24
23rd Tina Stratford WSX W40 82:03
24th Bryan Penny WIM M70 88:52
25th Christine Vince KERNO W55 116:07
m2-7 Mark Blackstone BOK M65 43:30
m9 Dudley Budden BOK M65 57:14
w1 Gill Sharp SN W50 78:59



4.5km 165m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Dale Paget WSX M45 34:26
2nd Fraser Smith WIM M14 43:19
3rd Noel Smith WIM M45 43:51
4th Mike Christopher WIM M55 45:51
5th Gwyn Davies SARUM M55 46:41
6th Elizabeth Reynolds WIM W21 50:19
7th Joe Hudd BOK M10 51:30
8th Sue Hands WIM W60 54:14
9th Jack Tavinor PURBECK SCHOOL M16 55:04
10th Emily Keenan DEVON W14 55:50
11th Christine King BOK W60 57:22
12th David Oxenham SARUM M55 59:48
13th John Symonds BOK M70 62:13
14th Richard Dunford WSX M50 62:45
15th Graham Harrison SOC M70 62:50
16th Denise Mullins SARUM W60 63:15
17th Richard Tavinor IND M55 64:12
18th Foxie Loxie WSX W50 65:59
19th Bill Brown WSX M75 66:02
20th Tony Noott BOK M75 66:32
21st Jose Stanley WIM W65 67:57
22nd Katie Reynolds COLFOX WIM W18 68:28
23rd Di Tilsley WIM W55 68:56
24th Norman Wilson SOC M60 69:23
25th Helen Donovan KERNO W21 70:39
26th Gavin Avey-Hebditch WSX M50 72:36
27th Joff Henley WSX M55 72:49
28th Jim Graham IND M60 75:42
29th Richard Raynsford BOK M65 76:26
30th Martin Light NWO M50 77:03
31st David Bland WIM M70 85:29
32nd Peter Keene WSX M60 94:26
33rd Sandy Cowan KERNO M70 94:51
34th John Warren WIM M75 100:44
m12 Barbara Davidson SOC W60 62:47
w10 Eric Whapples WSX M65 81:35
m2 Chris Irving WSX M55 94:15

Short Green


3.3km 95m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st David Lee NGOC M75 50:40
2nd Richard Thornton SARUM M65 58:22
3rd Richard Arman WSX M80 59:22
4th Charlotte Thornton SARUM W65 60:46
5th Sally Collins BKO W60 66:05
6th Gill Thomlinson SOC W65 66:42
7th Pauline Olds KERNO W55 67:28
8th Alison Simmons BOK W55 70:11
9th Anne Donnell BOK W80 71:44
10th Roy Morgan WSX M75 78:35
11th Adrian Dawson SARUM M50 79:58
12th Barbara Warren WIM W75 85:08
13th John Higgins BOK M75 89:29
14th Pat Grenfell BOK W80 90:36
15th Richard Keighley WIM M65 91:09
16th Judith Bland WIM W70 95:43
17th Darrell Cruickshank BKO M85 117:41
w3 rtd Keith Mitchell WIM M70  
m5-8 m12 Sara Houlder WSX M50 57:03
m3-13 Des Wyatt   M85 62:59
m9-10 m12-13 John Grenfell BOK M80 99:13
m12 Jean Velecky SOC W85 150:20

Light Green


3.4km 80m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Rebecca Whittingham WIM W14 44:58
2nd Jenny Dickin SOC W14 58:54
3rd Lynn + Chris Wilson   W45 76:38
4th Dorinda Davies SARUM W60 79:38
5th Daniele Fawkner-Corbett BOK W60 91:37
m3-7 m9 m11-12 Alice Crowsley IND W14 75:39



3.1km 65m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Robert Mundy POOLE GRAMMAR M12 37:01
2nd Anne Bolton WIM W21 37:36
3rd Wendy Heard IND W45 38:08
4th Helen Bolton WIM W45 38:34
5th Rachel Potter BOK W12 42:14
6th Kath Dean WSX W45 44:42
7th Hilary Dunford WSX W55 54:32
8th Jan Oxenham SARUM W60 66:05
9th Debi Hancox IND W35 90:49
m5 Nadia Alsop IND W21 62:48
w1 Jack Overhill   M18 83:46
m8-9 Josie Hancox IND W14 117:30



2.6km 50m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Sarah Horsler WIM W12 22:33
2nd Bertie Miller 6B PORT REGIS M10 24:31
3rd Bonny Greenfield WIM W10 28:13
4th Martha Kelly 6G HYDE WIM W10 29:20
5th Rebecca Womersley WIM W12 35:27
6th Elliot Smith QO M12 37:23
7th Cloe and Zoe Paget IND W8 39:01
8th Agnes Brooke 4G WAREAHAM ST MARYS WSX W10 39:42
9th Ruby and Lucy Burton WSX W5 42:17
10th Elizabeth Whittingham WIM W50 42:31
11th Yvette Paget WSX W10 66:01



2km 50m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Arthur Brooke 3b WAREHAM ST MARY WSX M10 11:44
2nd Finley Austin HYDE SCHOOL M8 13:54
3rd Jacob Smith HYDE (WIM) M8 14:23
4th Darren Whittingham WIM M10 14:45
5th Ollie Miller 4B PORT REGIS M8 15:35
6th Mark Jones HYDE WIM M10 18:47
7th Lucy Austin HYDE SCHOOL W6 19:21
8th Holly Nordstrom HYDE (WIM) W10 23:30
9th Elizabeth Horsler WIM W10 25:55
10th Laurence Hayward WIM M10 26:47
11th Billy White PR SCHOOL M10 28:26
12th Eden Smith QO M8 28:37
13th Harriet Keenan DEVON W5 28:46
14th Jack White PORT REGIS SCHOOL M10 29:27
15th Alyson Greenfield WIM W45 30:17
16th= Emilia Fletcher WIM W9 30:21
16th= Clemmie greenfield WIM W8 30:21
18th Andrew Overhill IND M50 35:33
19th Caja Whapples WSX W10 37:14
rtd Sue Kelly WIM W45