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9.4km 135m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Chesters DEVON M35 57:17
2nd Dan Cope BAOC M35 58:58
3rd Peter Ward NGOC M45 60:03
4th Nigel Bunn TVOC M50 61:56
5th Rob Parkinson DEVON M60 63:28
6th Peter Suba WSX M40 65:43
7th Alan Blanchflower WSX M21 71:15
8th Tom Snow DEVON M18 72:28
9th Richard Cottle BOK M50 73:36
10th Anya Crocker SOC W21 75:08
11th Phil Newall KERNO M55 75:20
12th Mike Frizzell BADO M55 76:07
13th Steven Horsler WIM M50 76:16
14th Christopher Kelsey BOK M60 78:21
15th Scott Bailey BOK M45 78:50
16th Jan Travnicek TVOC M40 80:05
17th Jeff Pakes QO M45 86:50
18th Craig Blackford BADO M45 86:55
19th Eamon Staunton WIM M60 91:47
20th Gavin Robinson WIM M50 91:53
21st Frida Forshallen WSX W21 93:25
22nd Nigel Heppenstall BAOC M50 97:40
23rd Alastair Berry WIM M21 104:01
n/c Rob Hick WSX M55 105:28



7.9km 135m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Harry Fox DEVON M18 47:23
2nd Gavin Clegg BOK M60 50:36
3rd Andrew Snell BAOC M40 52:04
4th Paul Lane BAOC M60 52:25
5th Colin Dickson BAOC M60 52:30
6th Nick Nourse NWO M55 54:32
7th Chris Pritchett WIGHTO M55 56:14
8th David Kingham TVOC M60 56:37
9th Julian Hartwell SOC M60 57:26
10th Axel Blomquist BAOC M65 57:35
11th Richard Hudson BOK M50 57:39
12th Jamie Hicks SOC M21 58:07
13th Ben Stevens DEVON M16 59:22
14th Tom Lillicrap DEVON M70 59:27
15th Alison Simmons BOK W60 59:35
16th Mikhail Gryaznevich TVOC M60 60:44
17th Simon Moore BKO M55 62:08
18th Steve Robertson QO M60 62:56
19th Brian Johnson WIM M65 62:57
20th Joe House SO M60 64:45
21st James Condon DEVON M18 65:53
22nd Andrew Howard WIM M40 68:39
23rd Doug Greenwood BKO M40 68:40
24th Kevin Bracher SOC M60 69:56
25th Roy Heselden BADO M70 71:27
26th Tereza Maria Rush BOK W35 71:37
27th Karen Crawford BOK W45 72:15
28th Tony Ludford BADO M70 72:48
29th David Buston IND M50 73:10
30th David Mullins SARUM M65 73:46
31st Robin Smith SOC M65 74:14
32nd John Harrison BADO M70 74:24
33rd Colin Hicks SOC M65 78:03
34th Ian Byrne SMOC M60 78:08
35th Terence Hosking BKO M50 79:00
36th Terry Smith SOC M65 79:04
37th Helen Kelsey BOK W60 79:29
38th Tamsin Horsler WIM W50 79:43
39th Allan Darwell BOK M65 82:47
40th Anne Tynegate BADO W55 84:01
41st Elisabeth Cameron WIM W40 85:54
42nd Rob Taylor HOC M45 86:40
43rd Brian Hodge WIM M55 88:15
44th Glyn Williams WIGHTO M60 88:33
45th Tim Houlder WSX M60 88:38
46th Adele Newall KERNO W55 89:05
47th Richard Rossington BOK M55 89:10
48th Toby Tyrrell SOC M50 89:18
49th Bruno Smith WSX M50 90:52
50th Philip Cooper WIM M70 93:30
51st Robert Norley SOC M55 94:21
52nd Tony Lloyd BOK M60 95:37
53rd Michael Merritt SO M60 102:38
54th Mike Bray SN M60 104:02
55th Clive Everest SOC M50 110:41
56th Matthew Knipe QO M50 118:11
m6 John Cameron WIM M40 63:04



5.5km 80m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Sam Johnson DEVON M16 44:19
2nd Lisa James SOC W45 46:04
3rd Christopher Branford WIM M70 47:58
4th Jolyon Medlock WSX M40 48:26
5th Jon Brooke WSX M50 48:50
6th Ian Prosser BAOC M60 49:40
7th Alan Kersley BADO M60 52:12
8th Annika Greenwood BKO W45 53:27
9th Kirsty Staunton WIM W60 54:24
10th Andrew Graham BKO M60 54:42
11th Brian Hart SARUM M70 55:08
12th Ian Campbell SARUM M70 56:26
13th Robbie Berryman SOC M21 57:16
14th Richard Steptoe TVOC M70 57:30
15th Roger Pleasant SOC M70 58:35
16th Elisabeth Dickson BAOC W55 59:06
17th Ted Mcdonald BOK M70 60:11
18th= Christopher Moon BOK M65 60:32
18th= Martin Cross WIM M70 60:32
20th Carol House SO W60 60:48
21st Tony Hext QO M65 62:32
22nd Martin Lock GO M65 63:15
23rd Tommy Wright DEVON M16 64:10
24th Toni Whittle BKO W45 64:26
25th Roger Hargreaves KERNO M70 65:18
26th John Shucksmith WIM M65 66:01
27th Carol Prosser BAOC W55 66:37
28th Jane Blackford BADO W45 66:40
29th Lynne Moore BKO W50 67:17
30th Nigel Morris IND M55 67:56
31st Richard Rae BKO M70 71:37
32nd Ruth Chesters DEVON W65 71:59
33rd John Trayler QO M70 72:27
34th Helen Hodge WIM W55 76:18
35th Jim Graham Ind M65 76:57
36th Pete Akers QO M60 77:35
37th Judith Taylor HOC W50 77:46
38th Kieran Devine SOC M65 78:19
39th Jenny Bray SN W60 78:41
40th Caron Gaisford SARUM W55 79:04
41st Kerryn Hudson SARUM W21 79:06
42nd Gwyn Davies SARUM M60 79:46
43rd Michelle Ward NGOC W45 80:09
44th Mike Kite WIM M70 80:35
45th John Chesters DEVON M65 81:37
46th Sue Williams WIGHTO W65 81:45
47th Gavin Avey-Hebditch WSX M55 82:14
48th Denise Mullins SARUM W65 82:35
49th David Nixon SOC M70 86:48
50th John Fielder BOK M70 87:39
51st Robin Baker POTOC M65 96:35
52nd Ben Hammond SUFFOC M18 96:44
53rd Helen Everest SOC W50 99:41
54th Nigel Britton JOK M65 105:08
55th Pat Hart SARUM W70 106:10
56th Ian Wilson SAX M65 106:51
57th Peter Smith SN M55 107:52
58th L-J Evans WIM W40 112:04
59th Mike King WIM M70 119:21
m6 rtd Julie Astin WSX W60  
rtd Howard Thomas BOK M70  
m7-11 Graeme Hornby SOC M40 66:30
m10 Sarah Newman WIM W50 91:01
m3 Sarah Houlder WSX W55 128:34

Short Green


3.9km 40m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Eddie Whittle BKO M45 35:07
2nd Richard Hammond SUFFOC M55 42:23
3rd Sue Hands WIM W65 43:06
4th Sally Thomas BOK W70 43:20
5th Mary Nixon SOC W65 44:06
6th Tony Milroy QO M65 45:21
7th Ray Massey SOC M75 46:09
8th Charlotte Thornton SARUM W70 50:42
9th Elsie Hargreaves KERNO W70 51:40
10th Bill Brown WSX M80 52:46
11th Carol Iddles BOK W60 54:33
12th Bill Vigar QO M80 54:53
13th Richard Thornton SARUM M70 56:01
14th Jose Stanley WIM W70 57:59
15th Deborah Mays WIM W55 58:14
16th Robin Walker BOK M75 58:27
17th Gillian Cross WIM W70 59:52
18th Roger Hills WIM M80 60:16
19th Katherine Pike WIM W50 61:03
20th John Coleman NGOC M80 61:09
21st Lynn Branford WIM W65 61:47
22nd Clare Fletcher BOK W75 63:20
23rd Sheila Gold WSX W60 63:57
24th David Bland WIM M75 65:04
25th Celia Robertson WSX W65 65:11
26th John Warren WIM M80 65:55
27th Adrian Dawson SARUM M55 68:31
28th Peter Hambleton SARUM M70 70:26
29th Diana Smith SOC W65 71:04
30th Tracy Crickmore WSX W50 72:08
31st Carmen Smith U3A W45 74:53
32nd Gill Thomlinson SOC W70 77:08
33rd Julia Robertson QO W60 89:00
34th Judith Bland WIM W75 110:13
m6-8 Ira Thompson BOK M14 72:30
w2 Joan Hambleton SARUM W75 75:48

Light Green


3.5km 35m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Rebecca Ward NGOC W14 32:11
2nd Liz Snell BAOC W40 37:06
3rd Mareike Seitz SARUM W35 50:14
4th Peter Keene WSX M65 58:38
5th Paul Morrissey IND M35 61:02
6th Lynn & Chris Wilson   W50 63:51
7th Christopher Isaacson WIM M21 67:05
8th Freda Peirce SARUM W75 75:23
9th Dorinda Davies SARUM W65 76:05



3.2km 40m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Bobby Godley DEVON M14 31:57
2nd Ella May Rush BOK W12 32:36
3rd Angus Mackay IND M21 33:43
4th Rebecca Medlock WSX W40 35:56
5th Jack Hammond SUFFOC M14 36:13
6th Kirsten Faggetter IND W21 36:44
7th Toby Richardson IND M20 37:21
8th Lucy Wilkinson SARUM W14 37:50
9th Shane Wilkinson SARUM M50 38:01
10th Richard Brightman WIM M75 41:13
11th Jake Brown IND M20 43:15
12th Chris Hallet IND M20 43:50
13th Rose Taylor HOC W12 47:01
14th Anthea Douglas IND W40 50:18
15th Celia Kingham TVOC W60 62:12
16th Richard Keighley WIM M70 81:09
17th Bex Evered IND W21 91:22
18th Tim Spenlove-Brown IND M70 94:45
19th Kristy Metcalf IND W20 105:25
20th Georgie Neville IND W20 109:07
21st Summer Pidgley IND W20 110:13
m6-10 Patricia Walker BOK W75 77:18
m1 Kim Glenister IND W21 90:29



2.5km 30m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Jessica Ward NGOC W12 17:27
2nd Hugo Hedges DEVON M14 18:28
3rd Harry Bratcher-Howard WIM M10 18:47
4th Lyra Medlock WSX W10 22:37
5th Alan Hooper WSX M70 35:19
6th Solomon Dover IND M6 70:13



2km 20m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Monty Bratcher-Howard WIM M10 26:41
2nd Eskarina Medlock WSX W10 27:28
3rd Max Duncan SARUM M10 43:31
4th Finn and Emmie Rixon WSX M6 48:59
5th Rose Cameron WIM W10 49:27