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Controller’s Comments
Some days ago, Julie Astin, Day 1 Organiser, assured me that she had arranged good weather for the event. Didn’t she just! What a glorious autumn day to be running in the New Forest.
I don’t think I’ve ever been involved in a Level B event that has had such a challenging timescale. In the five weeks since receiving the go-ahead, the map has been updated, courses planned, Village Hall booked, catering and car-parking arranged, volunteers recruited and procedures to support Forest England Environmental Monitoring developed and implemented, all to bring you a Caddihoe Weekend event that seems to have been very well received.
The main officials have put on this event against a very compressed schedule while managing other commitments. I trust you will agree that they have done an extremely good job in the circumstances. A few days ago, a significant area of bracken was mown where the shorter courses left the woodland and headed southwards towards the valley. This made the paths less obvious than they had been, but competitors seem to have coped with this thanks to the map change shown on the maps in the start lanes. On the morning of the event, it was discovered that three controls in the valley north of the finish had been relocated by persons unknown. Tapes and notices to the start were also rearranged. A helper with an early start reported an issue with one of the first controls. This resulted in start times being put back to allow the problem to be resolved. We hope this didn’t inconvenience anyone.
One competitor drew my attention to a line between controls 7 and 8 on Course 5 that obscured a section of path. I must apologise for not spotting that one and hope other competitors were not disadvantaged.
I heard many complimentary remarks about the courses that Ian provided for you and would like to thank him for politely and positively responding to my comments and suggestions.
As the competitor’s representative and on your behalf, I would like to thank Ian for his planning, Julie for her organising, Kevin for his coordinating and all members of their teams for an event that has been a challenge to put on but has given a large number of people a very enjoyable day’s orienteering in glorious sunshine in the Forest.
Thank you all!
Terry Smith, SOC
Planner’s Comments.
You will know that we had an extremely tight deadline to plan and organise this event. However I am not going to use that as an excuse for putting control 43 in the wrong place resulting in a slight delay to the start. That was entirely my fault for which I apologise. And my thanks to Jolyon and the Start Team for coping with that so well and getting the event back on track.
Car Parking was one of the more difficult problems but the field which Eamon found for us was perfect although this did mean a rather long walk to the Day One area.
But hopefully when you got out into the forest and onto the heathland the walk was soon forgotten. I believe the courses were the right length for a Middle distance event and the times seem to bear this out.
At the very least I hope that everyone who came had an enjoyable (if tiring) weekend.
Ian Sayer, WSX
Pre-Event Bulletin:
Final Details – Caddihoe 2021
Entries closed