JK comes to SWOA 2021

Posted on Thu, 25th May 2017 by Alan Hooper
Home, SWOA News

The most prestigious event in the UK orienteering calendar has been awarded to the South West – the JK is coming to us in 2021!

This may seem a long way off but, in terms of the effort involved, we need to start work on this now.  We are looking for volunteers to fill the following crucial roles:


Day organisers



Entries Secretary

Finance Officer

Equipment Officer

Start Team Leaders

Safety Officer


IT Team Leader

If you are interested but feel that you don’t have enough experience, then we can find a mentor for you; most of these roles will need deputies or assistants.

Please reply to “ christine.vince2@btinternet.com “ by Saturday 10 June (BOK Blast Day 1).

regards, Christine

Orienteering Club