WSX Chat 5th May 2024

For those of us who have been to the JK, the British Long and the British Middles, it has been 3 weekends out of the last five travelling north of Birmingham, with two visits to Yorkshire. I’m minded how much time and money this sport requires, if you commit to these big events. For those with aspirations for summer training camps or more, it’s quite committing (and expensive). That’s my reason though for not having written a blog since March. It was very pleasant today to run in a quality woodland, on a great map and course, just 20 minutes from home. Hopefully we will be back at Shearwater for a night event.

Casting our minds back to the JK in the Midlands, Friday was an excellent sprint event at Loughborough University, followed by two days in the mud of Beaudesert for the middle and long. It’s a lovely old forest park in the Cannock Chase, but the small number of controls used and the heavy usage of those controls (same control on different days on my course) meant that the paths became quagmires, which was a shame. Having said that, anyone who can get a forest event approved by a landowner over Easter weekend deserves a medal. The courses were not very technical but all aspects of the organisation were excellent. The relay event on the Monday was up in the Peak District on a misty moor which was very exciting. It was great to see Andrew over for his last JK, just as he turns 95. It was also the Heckford family’s first JK, and is great to see Nick and Teresa orienteering and part of the club too. The highlight of the weekend for me was that we had 3 relay teams, with Lyra, Esk and Nesa (back from Switzerland) getting silver medal in the Women’s short class.

The BOC this year was near Whitby on a very tough terrain at Mulgrave woods. I must have waded the river four times on a very long course. The weather was great all weekend, and again a small contingent of WSX travelled north. Andrew broke records by demanding an M95 class, and promptly being crowned British Champion. On the Sunday a few of us formed relay teams, with Lyra and Esk again on the podium (bronze), this time with Grace in the W18 class. I ran with Gavin and Rob, both running up to M50 class, with a very respectable 5th place.

The British middles was on a very enjoyable, steeply wooded hillside, with numerous gritstone boulders, near Otley, Yorkshire. It was a fast and furious event, with a great arena location. After much illness over winter, and much disappointment at the JK and BOC, Lyra had recovered enough from illness, and had restored some fitness to gain Silver in the W18E, just behind a NZ international; the daughter of Yvette Baker, and so eligible for the British titles. The following day was a bitterly cold day on Kilnsey moor in the Dales. The mist lifted and the sun peeped out, making it a fine weekend.

Closer to home we’ve been busy taking part in the Dorset Summer Maprun, six maprun events over the summer. Upton was during April, and its Poundbury this month. For the physical events, we had Hamworthy last month, and the next one is at Hive Beach, at Burton Bradstock. The Crickmores seem to be dominating the Standard and Age-graded league. Sheila leads the women’s age graded league, but Emma and Oliver are threatening on both leagues, so watch out!

We’ve had to change a few dates of upcoming winter forest events for various reasons, so keep an eye on our fixtures and amend your diaries. Hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer. The SW sprints are at Bath University in June, which is very tricky (3 levels), followed by the British sprints and sprint relays at Birmingham and Warwick Universities. Later, in July, is the Welsh 6 days, which promises to be a cracker.

Enjoy the spring!



WSX Chat 20th March

Apologies for not posting a blog for a while, work seems to have got in the way of my orienteering and blog writing.

As you may have heard, we received the sad news that our long standing member, Richard Arman, passed away at the age of 95. I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing Richard, even though he was a member for many decades, but I have heard many warm words from many members regarding Richard’s devotion to the sport and the club. Some of our members will be sharing some memories of Richard. There will be a celebration, so please contact Liz, if you wish to attend. Thanks to Nick Barrable for sharing this photo:

Now that winter is finally over, it’s time to reflect on the dark months of the year that have passed and look forward to the warmer days ahead, and the longer evenings. The night league was another resounding success, and was enjoyed by so many members. The highlight for me was Studland, not because I nearly won it (if it hadn’t been for that pesky Tommy Rollins), but the full moon, still wind, moonlight dunes, and general bonhomie was just perfect. The Crickmores did a wonderful job in delivering a night event at Studland, which will be hard to beat. There were many WSX awards, with Alan and James picking up 2nd and 3rd in the Men’s open league, Hannah coming 3rd in the Women’s league, Esk winning the junior women’s league, Oliver winning the junior men’s league and Sheila and Julie coming 2nd and 3rd in the Age-adjusted league. All the results can be found on the Night League page.

There was also further night orienteering at the British Night Champs in the Lake District, back in February, with Lyra and Esk (on their first real night O in a forest alone) coming 3rd and 4th in their age categories. Lyra, who has missed a lot of the winter with illness and injury, will be representing England this weekend in Belgium, running for the W20 at the Interland Cup. We wish her well.

The JK, British Long, British Relays and British Middle are coming up, all within 6 weeks. We have a few members running, including some of our newest members, the Heckfords, and one of our founding members, Andrew, taking part. It should be a great weekend. We also have a few teams in the JK and British relays. More on that in a later post.

Looking forward, we’ve been working hard to build a programme of activities, so do offer to help, plan, organise:

We have decided to run the Purbeck weekend every two years, and to avoid clashes with the Caddihoe Chase, it will be in early October 2025. Currently pencilled in are Studland and Swanage (possibly with a mixed terrain event including Durlston Country Park).

So our two regular Level C events this winter (SW League event and Dorset Delight) will be at Holmsley and Bisterne Close in October, and hopefully (new map permitting) at Affpuddle in February 2025. For Affpuddle, which actually includes a much larger area of FE and private woodland. We have permissions and car parking, so now we are looking to commission a map. The costs will be shared with WIM, so this will be a joint area, and there will be options for night orienteering from a few of the car parks. There are lots of sinkholes in some parts of the wood, and that will be fun in the dark!

This year we aim to try a few new things:

  • two additional Level D local events (small entries, chance for new planners to cut their teeth) – possibly at Blackwater (New Forest) and Wareham Forest in November and January
  • the Purbeck Mountain Challenge – a brainchild of Rob Mills and Chris Turner – essentially a long-O mountain marathon, over Purbeck (name gave it away I know), with running over Ballard Down, Rempstone, and orienteering on Studland and Agglestone.
  • Yule Poole – yep night event at Christmas time in Poole, you guessed it. This is to attempt to replace the Brighton City Race

There will also be a full programme of night events next winter, including a return to Studland, and possibly some night O in Coldharbour and a chance to test Julie’s new Bournemouth town and chines map.

However, over the summer we have the Summer Series and Summer MapRun series. There will be six of each, forming two separate leagues and a combined league. This is joint with WIM. For the MapRuns, you will have a calendar month to run them, so plenty of time. For the Summer Series, these are evening socials (i.e. run, go to pub, chat, have BBQ etc.).

Hope this has got you all excited. Check the events page and update your diaries.

See you all at the JK

Richard Arman

We are sad to announce the death of our dear friend and fellow member, Richard Arman. A full account of his life and contribution to Wessex, and orienteering in general, will follow in due course.

Richard at the JKs 2013.

Compass Sport Trophy

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Compass Sport Cup heat today. The results are available here:

For those who couldn’t come today, water everywhere was the name of the game! Some depressions became ponds overnight, marshes were lakes, and there were several temporary streams. Some extra water won’t stop us of course, and most people I spoke to had had a good run.

We had a respectable 4th place finish in the Trophy competition, very close behind Wimborne. SARUM had a strong performance across the board to claim 1st by a significant margin.

I’ve attached a sheet possibly making it a bit clearer how our team score is calculated. If you’re still confused, click around the results in detail.

Special mentions to Gavin and Esk who scored 100 points with 1st place, Jolyon (running up) and Nicki who scored 99 with 2nd place, and to relatively new member Oliver who scored 98 with 2nd place.

Well done to everyone, and look out for next year’s date when it’s announced!


WSX Chat 30th Jan 2024

Hope everyone has had a good start to 2024. Apologies for the tardy New Year, but its has been busy so far. A quick thank you to Lyra and Rob for planning and organising the Cold Harbour event. I thoroughly enjoyed supporting Lyra and updating the map, I think the area is great for a middle/long-middle, and Lyra had a tremendous time planning the courses and overseeing the day’s events. She has now accepted the invitation to plan our event at Holmsley in October, and the draft courses are planned already.

We also had a SW junior training day at Bramshaw, with Robbie joining Lyra and Esk for junior training, and hopefully Emma and Oliver will be able to join the next one at Bath Spa.

Speaking of training, WIM are organising a training day for WIM and WSX at Coldharbour on Saturday 9th March.

Before that we have our Compass Sport Trophy fixture at Bere Wood. We need all our members to take part, as there may be two final places up for grabs, although overhauling the scores of the WIM and SARUM is always a challenge. Remember, we need a spread of ages and genders, so everyone counts. Please let James know if you can join the team.

Also, please remember to renew your membership, I see that a few of you haven’t yet.

The night league continues to keep us entertained, its up to Larkhill Garrison this weekend, then events at Southampton, Basingstoke, Studland and Fordingbridge (3 events in 5 days!) bringing us almost to the end of the season.

A little further ahead is the British Long champs and relays in faraway forests near Whitby and the JK in the Midlands at Easter. If anyone is planning to do the Welsh 6 days in July in the Brecon Beacons, we have a designated campsite.

See you at the Southern Champs this Sunday, or the British Nights the week after, or at the Compass Sport Trophy qualifier the week after.


Orienteering Club