WNL6 – Southern Night Orienteering Championships (QO)
Event 6 of the Wessex Night League, organised by Quantocks Orienteers in Ramscombe, Quantock Hills. British Orienteering Level B Event (incorporating the Army Inter-Corps Championships).
Event 6 of the Wessex Night League, organised by Quantocks Orienteers in Ramscombe, Quantock Hills. British Orienteering Level B Event (incorporating the Army Inter-Corps Championships).
Event 7 of the Wessex Might League is organised by Wessex Orienteers as a 60 minute score Level D event.
Afternoon informal and Wessex Night League organised by Wimborne Orienteers.
A Level C ranking event and the final SEUL urban race of 2017 with a mass start organised by Southdowns Orienteers
The classic Quay area event perfect to get going with your orienteering new years resolutions!